My Desktop Modification

. August 25, 2009

Since I've been 10 years rolledd with computers, the thing that i loved most is to change how it looks..Yes.I love to modded my desktop. In this post, I wanna share a little bit about my desktop looks..

Here is how my desktop look like :

Tadaa.. MacLeopard looks isn't it?

Eh.. How did u do this to ur desktop hah??
Many of my friends ask me on how to turn out ur standard Win XP looks to MacLeopard.

Here is some explanation arranged by the number :

  1. Adium alike IM that i used is actually MirandaIM and im using a skin named Mire by Cerium50. Miranda is the most lightweight IM application that can be fully customized. Furthermore, it have a looooot of useful plug-ins
  2. Those beautiful icon set up slightly like Mac is run on Avedesk 1.4 and the icon that i used is Dropbox by Plexform and Massive Media Icon by MugenB16
  3. The one that appear on bottom is called Rocket Dock with Rounded Leopard theme by Ysyu.
  4. And to make the dock looks & feel like a  pure Mac, I've installed the most popular plug-ins for Rocket Dock; Stack Docklet.
  5. Changing the looks of the taskbar is the most important for me coz i really love hate WinXP original taskbar (it's really nice ugly rite?). Here, Im using ObjectBar 1.65 with The Most Perfect Leopard theme by SemanticOne.
  6. And the last one is a seriously beautiful DVNO wallpaper by Kon.
That's all for now.So how about your desktop?
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